Institute for Ethical Research and Innovation

Category: Research

  • New Study Provides Evidence for Sri Lanka’s Potential as an International IVF Hub

    New Study Provides Evidence for Sri Lanka’s Potential as an International IVF Hub

    In the broader spectrum of promoting medical tourism in Sri Lanka, a recent project potential study by IERI indicates that promoting Sri Lanka as an International IVF Hub has a huge potential. About IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a type of assisted reproductive technology (ART) that involves fertilizing a woman’s egg… Read more

  • True Economy: A New Update

    True Economy: A New Update

    Businesses often use the concept of a false economy to describe actions that save money in the short term but lead to higher costs in the long term. Such as when you buy cheap products that break easily or hire unqualified employees. The same concept can be applied to the economy as a whole. All… Read more